EC Secondary Transition Workgroup
The focus of this workgroup is on improving transition services for our more significantly disabled population — the Adaptive Curriculum (AC) Students.
Next Steps
Repopulating work group with new members to continue work to support ongoing EC transition efforts in the CHCCS school district.
SNAC General Education group is interested in partnering with this endeavor.
Explore the opportunity to bring TEACCH’s T-Step* program into the next TRAC proposal. This would help complete the original TRAC mission to serve all EC HS students and to expand beyond serving only OCS and AC students.
*The TEACCH School Transition to Employment and Post Secondary Education Program (T-Step) was developed to support transition to employment and/or post secondary education settings for adolescents and your adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder who have received a standard course of study high school diploma.